Call us on 0117 927 9604

  • Ian Kelcey

    Senior Partner, Solicitor and Higher Courts Advocate, Fraud, Regulatory & Complex Crime Specialist

  • Gill Hall

    Partner, Solicitor and Head of Family Law Team

  • Billy Olaniyi

    Partner, Solicitor and Higher Court Advocate and Duty Solicitor Qualified

  • Oliver Johnston

    Solicitor & Accredited Police Station Representative

  • Nick Kelcey

    Accredited Police Station Representative General and Complex Crime Specialist Caseworker

  • Nathan Beese

    Accredited Police Station Representative

  • Daniel Beagley

    Daniel Beagley

    Trainee Solicitor

  • Matthew Overton

    Matthew Overton

    Accredited Police Station Representative & Trainee Solicitor

  • Lauren Sullivan

    Lauren Sullivan

    Trainee Solicitor


Accredited Police Station Representative General and Complex Crime Specialist Caseworker.

Nick Kelcey qualified as accredited legal representative in 2004. Since qualifying Nick has undertaken advising clients in police stations across the country he has worked on a large number of notable cases.

He has an ability to memorise cases of large and complex detail.

He has acted for many professional sports people including international players advising them at police stations.

Nick has a down to earth approach but fights vigorously to defend his clients interests.

He has also acted for many officers in PIM procedures and misconduct hearings.


R v PH multimillion pound fraud trial client found not guilty after lengthy trial

R v MR client on murder charge after first trial and court of appeal hearings crown offered No evidence at start of retrial.

R v JR client tried twice on attempt murder and S18 involving a dispute in the biker community crown offered no evidence after 2nd trial.

R v EC client was charged with arson with intent to endanger life was acquitted after 3 day trial within an hour.

R v DP client plead to S18 wounding after night time attack in busy Bristol street client was local and international footballer.

R v JW client found not guilty after 3 week trial at Bournemouth crown court client was serving police officer charged with a sexual assault of a 3 ½ year old girl.